
Liposuction is used to remove fat from under the skin and to smooth out bulges and fatty areas. This procedure can help enhance patients' appearance and significantly boost their self-confidence.

Essentially, the procedure can be either superficial or deep. It requires surgical skills and proper equipment to achieve the best possible outcome.

Dr. Karaaltın recommends advanced techniques for body contouring, including Tumescent, laser-assisted, ultrasonic-assisted, and power-assisted liposuction, as well as micro-liposuction. These methods remove fat cells from the hips, thighs, buttocks, and other areas with greater precision. These procedures can be performed separately or in conjunction with sculpting other areas of the body.

It is important to remember that this treatment is not suitable for weight loss, although it often helps motivate patients to improve their diet and exercise habits post-operatively (de-bulking liposuction).

In women, liposuction is commonly used to treat the waist, hips, inner thighs, circumferential thighs, under the chin (double chin), knees, calves, saddlebags (outer thighs), upper back, lower back, abdomen, and arms.

In male patients, it is often used to treat love handles, under the chin (double chin), lower abdomen, and chest.

Patients generally prefer to have liposuction performed on two or more areas during a single procedure.


The best candidates for liposuction are those who are in good health, but who have been unable to completely eliminate unsightly bulges with diet and exercise.

You may be a good candidate for liposuction if you:

  • Are in good general health
  • Are not over 20-30 percent of your ideal body weight
  • Have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone
  • Have fat deposits on your body that don’t respond to diet and activity.

Recovering From Liposuction

Everybody recovers differently from liposuction, but in general, patients can expect a bit of downtime after their procedure. Right after the surgery, patients will experience some bruising and swelling, as well as soreness. To promote healing, they’ll need to wear support garments that apply gentle pressure on the treatment area to minimize bruising and swelling, and to keep everything precisely contoured. These garments are usually worn for up to six weeks. Studies have shown than manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) when applicable (usually after 4 weeks) is extremely effective in accelerating the recovery process in liposuction procedures as well as other body contouring surgeries.


Manual Lymph drainage (MLD) is a technique developed by the Vodders (Dr. Emil Vodder and his wife, Estrid) in 1936 in Paris for treatment of swollen body regions.The technique is a light, skin-stretching massage that helps promote the movement of lymphatic fluid out of the swollen limb. It should not be confused with a traditional massage. MLD is specifically focused on the lymph vessels to help the flow of lymphatic fluid. Therapy is applied to your unaffected areas first, making it possible for the fluid to move out of the affected area, or “decongest” the region. MLD helps open the remaining functioning lymph collectors and move protein and fluid into them, as well as to help speed up lymph fluid flow through the lymphatics. This method indeed is helpful to accelerate and relief the swelling resulted from a liposuction procedure.


After healing from liposuction, the treated areas maintain the same shape even with reasonable changes in weight. However, gaining a significant amount of weight after liposuction could affect the results of surgery as recent studies shows that fat cells can enlarge, and the surrounding stem cells can promote its multiplication with weight gain.


Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not a quick or easy solution for patients trying to lose weight. Liposuction is a procedure designed to benefit those who are unable to eliminate stubborn fat deposits. It’s intended for body shaping, not weight loss. In fact, if a patient is excessively overweight, Dr. Karaaltın may recommend against liposuction because it may not provide the desired benefit for the patient. The ideal candidate is someone who has already lost most of their weight but needs help with body contouring.

VASER™ Liposuction

VASERlipo utilizes ultrasound energy through the piezo technology for a precise body contouring that yields impressive results with lesser pain and bleeding in comparison with the traditional manual liposuction.

Although recent studies, show a higher incidence of seroma formation after the procedure, it provides surgeons with an advanced technology that decreases surgeon fatigue, enhances skin retraction, results in lesser pain, swelling and shorter downtime.

J-Plasma™ Liposuction

Is one of the cutting-edge treatments of liposuction and aims to re-drape skin properly after the liposuction procedure. Due to its combination of the properties of cold Helium Plasma and energy of radiofrequency it ignites a healing process that stimulates collagen synthesis in the treated skin. The procedure is like other liposuctions methods as it is a combination of traditional liposuction combined with a cannula hand piece that fires the RF beam under the liposuction treated areas. The major drawback of the procedure is a longer surgical time as both procedures are combined doubling the surgical time.

Argon Plasma-Driven RF Liposuction

It is a similar method to J-Plasma liposuction, yet the only difference retains in using Argon Plasma instead of the Helium. The major advantage depicted from the current clinical studies reveal that skin retraction rate is higher in this technology compared to the J-plasma procedure.

Vibrosat Pro™ Liposuction

The Technology of Vibration Expansion (Vibrosat Pro™)

The Vibrosat pro Technology is an innovation for modern liposuction. The technology provides a precise solution for body contouring. The vibration energy creates a reciprocating sound wave that selectively disrupts the fatty tissue and leads to an emulsification that easily can be aspirated. The mechanical disruption eventually initiates an innate body healing process under the skin. A promising collagen fiber synthesis is proceeded with a proper amount of skin tightening.

The SAFE Fat Grafting with Vibrosat Pro™ and Lipostat pump™

The performance of expansion vibration lipofilling (EVL), which creates the intraoperative expansion of the subcutaneous area through mechanical disruption with reciprocating cannulas, has been reported. EVL can potentially increase the volume of the subcutaneous (under skin) receptor site and obtain effective augmentation in the designated organs (Buttock, Breast.).

The Lipostat pump is a revolutionary state of art technology in lipofilling as well in body contouring surgery. The peristaltic pump enables a safe method to inject a smooth stream of fatty tissue into the designated area. The auto-stop technology prevents the surgeon from pumping undesirable amount of fat over the target volume, hence preventing any complications related as fat necrosis or cyst formation.

Dr Karaaltın

5 reasons for Liposat™ pump:

  1. Significantly reduce noise levels in the operating room, so that you can concentrate exclusively on your patients.
  2. Achieve a streamlined workflow through its intuitive menu navigation, smart technology, and straightforward design.
  3. Its adjustable flow rate in ml/min allows for the highest possible degree of control.
  4. Work with the most innovative technology on the market to achieve a reliable and long-lasting performance.
  5. Auto-stop technology that kicks in when the target volume is reached.

The KARAALTIN Sponge Experiment™ for safe liposuction and Fat Grafting

Dr. KARAALTIN and his scientific team performed an experimental trial on several liposuction hardware technologies to reveal the optimal combination of instruments in “Body Contouring Surgery”

The experiment weas performed on 30 sponge blocks, and five distinctive well-known technologies were compared to show the capability and performance of each technology in liposuction and fat grafting


The experiment revealed that Vibrosat pro™ and Liposat pump™ was far more successful to create a homogenized fat distribution over the injection line without any dispersing or shattering.


Define Your Abs and Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat

For many people, even if they turn the gym into their daily routine, it’s still not possible to get rid of a few stubborn fat deposits. “Dr. Karaaltın Clinic” offers the solution to achieving your goals with high-definition (HD) liposuction. Liposuction is an ideal surgical solution for eliminating body fat. High-definition liposuction is a surgical approach that uses a variety of precise tools and methods to create natural-looking curves in the body. It emphasizes the precise definition of muscle anatomy while removing specific fat pockets. The result is a well-balanced body free of unsightly pockets of extra fat.

Many tools are currently used to perform the procedure. Dr. Karaaltın’s patients have the privilege and freedom to choose the top experts performing the HD procedure using all available cutting-edge technologies, from VASER to J-Plasma.

Before <> After

Who is a Good Candidate for High-Definition liposuction?

The best candidate is someone who has a normal BMI, no skin laxity, and who already leads a healthy lifestyle with fit body. High definition lipo is not a weight loss procedure; not regular liposuction procedure; it is designed for people who want to achieve a certain physique and body contour and are one stubborn fat pocket away from it. Candidates for high-definition liposuction should also have realistic expectations for the procedure, no history of eating disorders or body dysmorphia, and the ability to take several days off work to recover.

Areas Suitable for High-Definition Liposuction

HD liposuction is so gentle that it can be used on almost any area of the body. Most patients at Dr. Karaaltın's clinic receive this treatment to address fat pockets on their abdomen, thighs, back, upper chest, calves, shoulders, or arms. HD liposuction is also safe for reducing fat on the neck, face, and arms.

What cosmetic concerns can HD lipo treat?

HD lipo can be used to provide maximum slimming of the waist, eliminate back rolls, remove extra fat that obscures a six pack, reshape the butt for greater volume, and correct a prior botched liposuction treatment. Define the extremity musculature. It can also contour the face by removing unsightly fat deposits as well as slim the legs and arms to allow for greater muscle definition.

How is HD liposuction different from the traditional one?

Both traditional and high-definition liposuction use a similar method; however, HD lipo utilizes more advanced medical hardware and techniques to contour and reshape the detail body regions. The procedure goes beyond removing fat and completely transforms the body. Traditional lipo is best for people who want to slim down and feel more confident. HD liposuction is tailored to meet the needs of individuals who are committed to achieving an ideal muscular physique. High-definition liposuction is also less invasive than normal lipo and can target the fat cells while protecting the surrounding tissues from damage.

Is HD liposuction suitable for male patients?

Yes indeed. As matter a fact it is a strong tool to help male patients gain their dream body.

Is HD liposuction a safe procedure?

Yes, HD lipo is more safe than traditional liposuction because it is more precise and less damaging to the surrounding tissues. It can also be made easier and safer when surgeons use modern technology like lasers, power-assisted lipo devices, and radiofrequency energy to easily remove the fat cells.

How can I be ready for the procedure?

All patients need to avoid smoking, blood thinners, and alcohol in the 2-3 weeks before the surgery. Use of these substances can increase the risk of experiencing adverse side effects.

What can I expect from the procedure?

After surgery, patients need to wear a compression garment 24/7 for the first 4 to six weeks. Some bruising and soreness are normal; it will gradually fade around the 2-week mark. It is safe to resume light activity after 3 weeks. Approximately after a month, it is safe to resume normal exercise. Most patients return to their normal activities after 6 weeks.

How long until I can see my results from HD lipo?

Some changes to volume and body shape may be immediately noticeable after surgery. Yet these changes may obscure after swelling process starts which is extremely natural. For most patients, the initial swelling, and bruising obscures their results for the first 6 weeks. The final results will be visible between 10 weeks and several months after the procedure as the tissues and overlaying settle.

Will I have visible scars?

The port of entries can vary from surgeon to surgeon, but mostly it is hidden in body creases if possible.

What to Expect During Your Initial Consultation for Liposuction?

We will listen to your specific concerns and goals.

We will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your case, focusing on your individual anatomy.

We will discuss recommendations regarding surgical or non-surgical techniques that may help you achieve your goals.

If surgery is the right option for you, Dr. Karaaltın will discuss the details of the surgical procedures available and determine the best approach for you.

If liposuction is the right option, Dr. Karaaltın will provide information about the standard operative and post-operative process and answer any questions you may have.

Preoperative photographs will be taken.

The risks and benefits of the surgery or procedure will be thoroughly explained to you. You will have ample time to ask questions about liposuction or any other surgical or non-surgical procedures of interest to you with Dr. Karaaltın and our medical team.

What Can You Expect on the Day of Your Liposuction Procedure?

If you are undergoing liposuction under general anesthesia, on the day of your procedure Dr. Karaaltın will meet you in the preoperative area to go over any last-minute questions or concerns you may have. Dr. Karaaltın may make some preoperative markings and will perform thorough checks with a focus on high-quality care and safety. If you are having general anesthesia, you will also meet the anesthesiologist and their team, as well as members of our plastic surgery operating team.

During your surgery, Dr. Karaaltın will pay meticulous attention to detail, working as part of a team to ensure excellent results with a focus on safety and quality. The duration of the liposuction procedure will vary depending on the areas and extent of the liposuction being performed. Please keep in mind that the cosmetic procedure may take slightly longer due to the surgical setup and the time required for our patients to fully recover in the postoperative care unit.

What can you expect for recovery after liposuction?

After your liposuction procedure, you will have a dressing covering the small incisions used to liposuction the fat from the areas. It is normal for you to have some leftover fluid that drains from these areas onto the dressings and the liposuction dressings may require changing or reinforcing the night after your liposuction procedure. You will also be placed into a garment after liposuction surgery to help improve the contour and decrease bruising and swelling. Additionally special liposuction foam may be placed to decrease swelling and bruising and improve contour and definition. You will be advised to refrain from strenuous activity for 2-4 weeks during the healing process. The Plastic Surgeons expect some swelling and bruising for up to a few weeks after the procedure and mild may remain for months after liposuction. If you are otherwise healthy and had less than 5 liters of liposuction performed, it is typically safe for you to go home the day after the procedure. If you underwent additional procedures or had greater than 5 liters of liposuction performed, your plastic surgeon may recommend that you stay a night or two in the hospital or surgical facility.

What procedures are most often performed along with Liposuction?

  1. Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty

    Combining liposuction of the back, flanks, and hips along with tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can give a dramatic 360-degree contouring result, liposuction soothes out back rolls and bra line excess without big incisions, creating an hourglass look without scarring.

  2. Advanced Safe Brazilian Butt Lift™

    Liposuction is commonly performed as part of a “Brazilian Butt Lift” which uses the fat harvested from liposuction to inject into the buttock area for a curvy, voluptuous contour. When performed correctly, liposuction of the waist and back even further accentuates the curves of the hip and buttock area with a cinched in waist and hourglass aesthetic.

  3. Breast Reduction

    After breast reduction the volume of the breast is often decreased and attachments of the breast to the axillary or underarm area have been affected. This often results in the fatty area under the axilla in the bra-line area to become more prominent and bothersome. liposuction of this transition area to smooth the contour and improve the overall aesthetic and functional result.

  4. Mommy Makeover

    Liposuction can be performed as a part of a Mommy Makeover to help in the areas most mommies have trouble with, like the abdomen, hips, and thighs.

  5. Arm lift or Brachioplasty

    Liposuction is commonly performed along with the arm lift procedure to help with contouring and removal of some of the excess fat.

  6. Thigh Lift

    Liposuction can be an essential part of a thigh lift procedure to improve contour and help remove excess fat.