Dr Karaaltın
A father of twins and a husband of a successful wife ( Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine ,Cerrahpaşa University ) Dr. KARAALTIN was born as a Turkish descendent in the city of” Kirkuk”, Iraq in 1972. Just when he was six months old his family moved to the “United States of America”. During the years 1976-1988 Dr. Karaaltin was enrolled in elementary and secondary education in both West Lafayette, Indiana and Orange County, Los Angeles thereafter.

During the years 1990-to-2014   Dr. Karaaltin was able to obtain the medical degree in Medicine from Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, English learner Branch,
afterwards he was able to be rank as number 12 out of 25.000 medical doctors, in the National Turkish Examination for medical specialization acquisition and after six years of residency training in Hacettepe University, Ankara he was granted the Turkish Board for Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery.

In 2012, By passing the examinations and fulfilling all credentials outlined by the European Plastic Surgery Society, Dr. Karaaltin was able to be A Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (E.B.O.P.R.A.S)

Dr. Karaaltın, was a teaching staff member in the University of Bezmialem as well as University of Acibadem and attended hundreds of classes teaching the principles of plastic surgery for medical students. He mentored tens of junior plastic surgeon whom now are well known in their field. 

In the field of aesthetic nose surgery, Dr. Karaaltın has co-edited and authored a chapter in the textbook of “Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty, art science & new clinical techniques”. Also, he had developed many techniques regarding the contouring of the nose dorsum during nose surgery. Recently he pioneered a novel innovative approach in nose aesthetics deploying the SMART template technology for enhancing the outcomes in such surgeries. In March 2020 he was invited to present a key lecture about this innovation in the meeting endorsed by the European Society of Rhinoplasty, held in Bergamo, Italy.

Dr. Karaaltın is an ISAPS member (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) for which he delegates “the Diamond Concept” improvised by ISAPS   for prioritizing patient safety of all the cosmetic procedures that he performs all around the globe.

Well known for his achievements in microvascular free flaps, Nerve transfers, brachial paralysis, and tissue transferrers. Dr. Karaaltın has invented and popularized a revolutionary muscle transfer technique in treating facial paralysis. He also authored multiple chapters regarding treatment modalities for facial paralysis in an English literature textbook (Turkiye Clinics Publisher) He was one of the members of “The Hacettepe Team” who performed the world’s third full face transplantation) as well as the world’s first Quadralup transplantation attempt.

Most recently, he led a novel Turkish surgical team and was successful to separate a lovely Algerian twin after a 9- hour operation and was considered as a world record for separating a Thoraco-Omphalopagus conjoined twins. He was able to employ revolutionary techniques from 3D modelling to regenerative medicine principles that contributed to the successful separation. As a microlever, till the date he is devoted to     give literally hundreds of presentations at meetings all over the globe and been invited as a keynote speaker in important internationally organized microsurgery meetings.

In past 10 years, Dr. Karaaltın was thoroughly involved in Cellular therapy and Regenerative Medicine. Have successfully treated hundreds of patients for diabetic wounds, Burn cases, Cell spray and breast reconstruction. He developed the concept of Four-Corner for “facial anti-aging” in which Cellular therapy acts as a magnificent tool. He recently contributed to a best UK seller book authored by Dr. Vincent Wong entailing currents treatment approaches regarding facial rejuvenation.

Dr. KARAALTIN was announced and selected to the advisory faculty board of the Global Stem Cell Group in 2018. To him his most notable achievement was Dr. Karaaltin’s scientific achievement in having the opportunity and the great honor to be a member of the scientific team that was awarded with the “BEST EXPERIMENTAL PAPER” in Plastic Reconstructive Surgery for calendar 2017.

Currently He is actively enrolled in evolving new horizons of microvascular lymph node transfer for treating lymphatic obstruction and is involved in multi-level vascularized lymph node transfer.

Dr. Karaaltin’s practices, involves a wide variety of aesthetic procedures among which he has created a safety protocol and guidelines for the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure known as Advanced Safe BBL.

As triple consultant, in addition to his plastic surgery qualification, he was qualified and granted the Turkish Board for Hand, Microsurgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.


The participation as team member in the “Worlds Third Full FACE TRANSPLATATION”I as well The First Quadralupe Transplation held in Hacettepe University , Ankara

Mr. Gul The Worlds Third Full Face Transplant Patient Visitng Dr.Karaaltin To Express His Gratitude After Three Years From His Surgery.

Dr Karaaltın
Popularizing the free Extensor digitorum Brevis Extensor halucis Brevis Muscle functional transfer for facial paralysis treatment.
Treating & Saving The Live of The Miracle Man Adem Kilic From A 75% of Burn Injury
Dr Karaaltın Dr Karaaltın

Mr .Adem Kilic (The MIracle Man) visiting Dr.K after 3 years from the unfortunate lethal accident

Awarded the best scientific paper in plastic surgery for June 2017.
Dr Karaaltın Dr Karaaltın

The Letter Sent To Our Corresponding Author Declaring The Award

Popularizing the multi-level Free Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer for Lymphedema Treatment
Dr Karaaltın

Our lovely 14-Year-old Romanian child who underwent the bilateral six level vascularized lymph node transfer. A screen shot taken during the National Turkish Media Reporting News.

A team of surgeons leaded by Professor. Karaaltin, at a Turkish hospital has successfully separated conjoined twins in under nine hours using 3D technology– breaking the world record for the fastest-ever operation of its kind.
Dr Karaaltın

Dr.Karaaltin, visiting the lovely Algerian Twins (Chefa & Safa) after successfully seperating them.

Dr Karaaltın

Awarded the Caplan Prize at the 47th Congress of the European Society of Lymphology in June 2024.