Endoscopic Forehead Lift and Brow Lift

The endoscopic forehead and brow lift is used to elevate the position of the eyebrows and forehead. Indications for this procedure are multiple, and it is performed to correct brow ptosis and to treat the glabellar frown lines created by the corrugator and procerus muscles.

In certain conditions eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty) would not be sufficient alone. Blepharoplasty alone is less effective in improving and recontouring the lateral (side) orbital rhytids (“crow’s-feet” or “laugh lines”), which contribute to the aging appearance and thereby displease patients. Oblique and vertical glabellar frown lines remain unchanged without direct surgical interruption of the involved animation muscles. Some form of adjunctive “lifting” procedure in the upper third of the face is thereby required to augment the improvement achieved by blepharoplasty. Most useful among these are the brow-lift (browplasty), temporal (temple) lift, the midforehead lift and the forehead lift.

Forehead-lifting procedures may be effectively combined with methods to rejuvenate the middle and lower facial thirds (facelift and neck lift). Since the various regions of the face may age at different rates, forehead/brow-lifting is also commonly accomplished as an isolated procedure or as a pre¬liminary step to blepharoplasty.

The technique entails using inscions though the hairline back from the forehead and special small innovative tools and camera are used to elevate the forehead and Brow released from the underlaying skull and lifted. Traditionally sutures are used to fix the lifted structures to a higher point on the skull bone.

EndoChor™ ( Endotine™) Endoscopic Forehead Lift and Brow Lift

Is a Endoscopic forehead or Brow lift technique where an innovative biodegradable multi spine implant is used to fix the forehead or Brows to a higher point on the skull bone in a Monoblock fashion with higher reliability and durability comparing to traditional suturing techniques.

Before <> After