A New Approach to Liposuction and Comprehensive Body Contouring at Dr. Karaaltın Clinic

Today, the method known as liposuction, which involves removing excess fat from the body, has been given a fresh perspective by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Veli Karaaltın, founder of Dr. Karaaltın Clinic.

Today, the method known as liposuction, which involves removing excess fat from the body, has been revitalized by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Veli Karaaltın, founder of Dr. Karaaltın Clinic. He has redefined this procedure as Body Sculpture, offering a new perspective on liposuction. Traditionally, liposuction focused on removing fat from specific problem areas, often neglecting other parts of the body, which could affect patient satisfaction postoperatively. Recognizing this issue, Prof. Dr. Karaaltın has emphasized the need to view the body as a whole, and his innovative approach reflects this comprehensive perspective.

Dr. Karaaltın and his team have completely transformed this approach by treating the body as a whole. They analyze the physical appearance of the areas from which fat is removed in conjunction with the patient, providing guidance for other areas that may need fat removal beyond the patient's initial requests. This new approach has been well-received by patients, leading to a significant increase in postoperative satisfaction. However, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Veli Karaaltın still identified some areas for improvement.

The reason for this was identified as deformities or fat deficiencies in areas such as the buttocks, lower legs, and chest. Dr. Karaaltın has now fully described the comprehensive body sculpting procedure. Fat extracted from agreed-upon areas with the patient is injected into the deficient regions, achieving a complete body contouring. Particularly, the fat injections into the buttocks and chest areas have significantly contributed to restoring women’s self-confidence.

Source : https://www.yurtgazetesi.com.tr/yasam/dr-karaaltin-klinikten-liposuctina-yeni-bir-anlayis-ile-tum-vucut-sekillendir-h203764.html